
Da Vinci

I always wanted a cryptex. After the Da Vinci code, it just seemed like a cool little safe thing to have. And since I like cryptography, it was especially interesting to me. I mean, what is cooler than ancient codes and mysteries?

Oh. Oh wait you added modern day tech to ancient codes to create pure awesome? Are you in my brain or something?

The Kickstarter for this project got six times it's original goal of $12,000. I would buy one via Kickstarter, but $130 during the holiday season (factor in anniversary and other costs) have left me broke. But damn it if I don't buy one when they come out.

~Jones Out


Destructive Alcoholism

Woah. I mean, I'm not one to advocate wasting a good drink but...damn...

Damn that was cool

~Jones Out


Old Man Musings

I know this makes me old, but I don't care. I just got really excited about a tool for hanging friggin paintings and frames. The Hang and Level from www.utrdecorating.com/


Yeah. This is both amazing and pathetic at the same time. Amazing because I can't tell you how many pictures I've had to hang up just by guesswork and trying not to put a nail in my thumb. My place, the gf's place, helping friends move into their places, this is a lifesaver.

Pathetic because I used to get excited about action figures, video games, and going out with friends. When did "hanging pictures" become something my brain devoted time to?


~Jones Out


Or Lack Thereof

My social life failed the audit apparently 

Guess I gotta get out more?

~Jones Out


It's Hammer Time

So, the girl friend has always wanted to go to the Galapagos Islands it turns out. She had mentioned it when I told her of my grand plan to hit every continent in my life time. So I figured, Galapagos, cool, that's South America, fulfills one of my continents right there. Sounds cool.

But then I found a site explaining some of the best adventures in the world. And the Galapagos Islands went from "Sure, why not" to "OH HELLS YES". One Reason:


Apparently, you can, as a tourist, go diving with Hammerhead and Whale sharks. They're harmless to humans, but who cares, they're SHARKS. Sure, you can also go see penguins and ancient tortoises but who cares? SHARKS!

I want to swim with sharks! Lots of them. Like this from National Geographic.


~Jones Out